Father Michael Lessard’s Reflection

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

Father Michael Lessard’s Reflection2021-02-03T15:57:19-07:00

Terri Thompson’s Reflection

Contemplative Prayer, Silence, and the Holy Spirit When I was preparing what topic to share in my reflection, I knew immediately,

Terri Thompson’s Reflection2021-02-12T12:11:12-07:00

Dennis Paschke’s Reflection

How Can You Love God Whom You Don’t See? I write this reflection somewhat reluctantly. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not as

Dennis Paschke’s Reflection2021-02-03T15:08:27-07:00

Charlotte Greene’s Reflection

I was honored to be asked to write this reflection. At this stage of my life I have a very long time

Charlotte Greene’s Reflection2021-02-03T14:45:36-07:00
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