Jody Serey’s Reflection

Friendship and Faith I spent many years digging deep into the theoretical aspects of Christian belief. Fortunately, my steadily increasing age

Jody Serey’s Reflection2024-03-02T18:30:16-07:00

Pastor Mark Dippre’s Reflection

What Faith Can Do At one of our God and Coffee events at church we were having discussion about what was

Pastor Mark Dippre’s Reflection2024-03-02T18:30:16-07:00

Dawn Paschke’s Reflection

Purpose in Life Everyone has a purpose in life, a ministry. We may be searching for it or in the middle

Dawn Paschke’s Reflection2024-03-02T18:30:16-07:00

Rachel Freeman’s Reflection

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin

Rachel Freeman’s Reflection2024-03-02T18:30:16-07:00

Deacon Peter Palmer’s Reflection

An Old Belt My brother called from Seattle, Washington the other day, laughing so hard I could not imagine what was so

Deacon Peter Palmer’s Reflection2024-03-02T18:30:16-07:00
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