In a world full of hate
Be a light.
When you do somebody wrong
Make it right.
Don’t hide in the dark
you were born to shine.
In a world full of hate
Be a light.
These lyrics are so simple. Are you a light? How do people see you? Positive, happy, and joyful? I think PWC is a perfect example of all of us being a light. The energy, love and acceptance we all feel when we walk in our church building is palpable. But, what about the rest of the week?
Picture your last stop at the gas station. Long lines, excessive heat, and outrageous prices, certainly enough to rattle you, were you nice? Did you let your Christian light shine?
When you do somebody wrong
Make it right.
Do we? Do we make it right? And not only make it right, did we change our behavior? This could apply to so many relationships. We all know right and wrong and it is easy to say I’m sorry, but did we fix it? Maybe for a little bit with “I’m sorry,” but did you learn anything, did you change your behavior???
You can’t hide in the dark
You were born to shine.
Each of us is unique with special gifts. And those gifts need to be shared. Look at all the ministries at PWC; they would never be successful without all of us pitching in. Everyone involved sharing their light, sharing their gift. The more gifts, the greater the shine.
In a world full of hate
be a light!