For Those That Have Eyes To See…
I have prayed often over the years to know God’s Presence in my life. After studying the Bible for many years, even in different languages, I know that knowledge about God is important and necessary, but knowledge alone about someone is not the same as the experience of their presence.
Relationship is about lived experience of the other in our life. This seems obvious but often it is so allusive. When we have a relationship based in love for Christ it fills our life with passion, it fills it with a purpose driven life and a willingness to do anything Jesus asks.
I believe that the goal of Christian life is the experience of God in my life. I mean the apostles impact on the world came about always because they spent time every day with Jesus in their lives. Paul’s life changed dramatically from a nobody to being the author of half the books of the New Testament because of his experience of a relationship with Jesus.
But let’s be honest it’s a challenge of our faith to move from knowledge to experience. Many never do make the move. How many Christians do you know whose faith is joy-less? Perhaps this is why Jesus addressed those who followed Him with the phrase: “for those with eyes to see, see”. He was saying some of you who are my followers may not see what I’m doing because you are not close enough to me to see what I want you to see.
Recently our faith was compared to the popping of a cork on a champagne bottle, full of energy. Do you see signs of it? Did you experience it? Do you feel life and joy like the popping of a cork? Do you see the transformative power of the Holy Spirit changing lives, your life? Do you experience God daily? If the answer is no to any of these, why not? Did God give up and leave you to go it alone? Or could it be perhaps that God is in our every day as promised and we just can’t (or don’t) see God?
I can attest to the truth of the ‘in between’ space Maher describes in his song. It’s a space where God’s Presence in Christ is encountered, and it changes everything for that person. It’s that sacred space of open hearts where Jesus healed / revived many, both then and now. The lyrics ‘I once was one way and now I’m another and Jesus was the in-between’ is real and happening for those with ‘eyes to see’. It’s about experience of Jesus in our lives.
I experienced the in-between space, or perhaps I was given eyes to see. It happened one day as a corporate warrior when looking around the Board room I saw and knew for the first time it was a prison. Jesus gave me new eyes to see what I could not, or would not see before. As I looked around, I could recognize how my colleagues were imprisoned also. I could see then and there that I did not want to live like a prisoner anymore. That Boardroom moment was the beginning of an in-between for me, it was when Jesus opened my eyes to see that which I could not see in life before.
So that is why I’d like to make a wholehearted open invite to come and hear the stories of revival and renewal that ARE happening in the Recovery Cafe.
We have been incredibly blessed by the Lord to see what He is doing all around us at the Cafe, and I long to share and bring His joy to you also.
Here is just a few of the truth of these lyrics and the truth of Jesus in our lives:
• Ms. B is set free from alcohol prison. Facing prison time for too many DUIs and as a result facing the loss of her son. ‘Finally, I prayed to God in tears, and He has come into my life! I’ve left alcohol behind’. She was one way, now she is another!
• Mr. J continues to overcome depression and behavioral health issues, but he is growing to be able to find laughter and set boundaries all of which have given him healing. He presented with suicidal ideation, and the ‘in between’ has taken him from suicidal ideation to new life. Amazing Jesus! He was one way, now he is another.
• Mr. P is now no longer in prison (literally), but he is also free from addiction, and free from the life that gave him his under the eye tear tattoo (if you know what this means, you just know). That is his symbol of when addiction was his real prison, and he was a very different person. He is now living fully and planning to marry his girlfriend and get their own place, as he works through his last legal charges. He once was in prison physically but even more powerful was his captor, addiction. He lives free today so full of hope for his life!
• Ms. S was homeless, spent her time in prison, and she abandoned her children. But now in the in-between came Jesus. Now she is working, proud to be making her own money, this much better way. Her best Christmas gift was that she got to hear her kids’ voices over the phone at Christmas for the first time in a long time! Her life is transformed and transforming.
• Mr. C was kicked out by his wife. He was separated from his kids. Today he is strong in his recovery of the abundant life Christ offered us all if we truly follow. When his wife kicked him to the curb, he realized he must do it, but couldn’t. Today he is! He was one way, now he is another!
• Ms. G was abused as a young girl and thrown into caring for her family when her parents that were emotionally not there or able. Her confidence was in the trash. She had horrible guilt imposed by her family when her folks passed. She is now getting ready to graduate in the next couple of months, and doing everything she can to do so with a 4.0 GPA! For those with eyes to see…
Revival is happening, lives are being transformed. Can you see it in your life, around you?
Does it not begin with me? you? – for God to give us the ‘eyes to see’ first?
If you can’t see Jesus in your life, if you don’t know the experience of God’s Presence in your life, maybe just begin by praying earnestly for the Lord to give us ‘eyes to see’!
For Christ’s sake – don’t miss this!