I Will Praise You in the Storm

This week I left some friends going through some difficult health issues. They just received word that there would be another delay before a much need operation could take place. As we sat a talked, I listened and heard the frustration and grief. I found myself overwhelmed with the desire to fix something that was out of my control. I was wishing for a healing to take place, and that life could be back to normal. We prayed and hugged and through prayer they we reassured that we would walk a journey with them, but as I walked to the car to drive away, I started to question God why such things need to happen? That is when God spoke, for as I started my truck the song on the radio was, I Will Praise You in the Storm, by Casting Crowns.

This beautiful song is a prayer that reminds us that our God is always here with us. When we are overwhelmed by life and all the setbacks that come our way, it is then that we need to reach out and give God praise. We all encounter difficult challenges in life. Those times when we ask God, what is taking so long. Surly by now you should have fixed this issue in my life. Where is the healing we need. Please answer our prayers.

The song says, “I will praise you in the storm for you are who you are no matter where I am. God is always there. It reminds us that our help comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth. The song playing on the radio was an answer to a prayer and the comfort that as a Pastor I need to hear and to remind all of you that we can never stop seeking out the healing and love of God.

The story behind the writing of the song is amazing. In a book entitled Lifesong’s, Mark Hall shared the story of a little 10-year-old girl named Erin battling cancer. He shares the story of how Erin’s mom was praying for a miracle and would never let anything shake her faith. On the night that her mother was watching her daughter struggle in the hospice bed she continued to pray her daughter’s favorite scripture from the bible. It was Proverbs 3: 5-6 that reads “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.”    Through the most difficult of nights when a mother’s worst fear was happening in front of her very eyes, Laurie stood on the bible and lifted her hands to God and gave praise for the gift of life and love of this beautiful girl. The song was written in her memory of how we must never forget that God is always by our side.

Sometimes we all go through challenging times. Sometimes we wonder if God is hearing our prayers. Know, as the song says that even when we stumble and fall, God is there by our side and holding our hand. One of the greatest ways to worship God is to simple fall to our knees and lift our hands up and give praise to God.

If you are going through tough times, please know this community is here for you and praying for you.  We ask the healing power of God to come to all those who need a sign of hope and love. I encourage all of you to listen to this song and others like it to always help us keep the focus and love of God.

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