There are so many things I could reflect on, but choosing just one or two is nearly impossible. God has done so much in my life, and I have countless reasons to be thankful.

Growing up, I was blessed to be raised by godly grandparents who led me to the church early on. As a teenager, I was forbidden from attending church by a family member, but as an adult, I found my way back—thanks to my Taekwondo family, who introduced me to PWC. Since then, I have learned and grown so much in faith, love, and community.

A few years ago, I was in the process of adopting a child. He faced many challenges, and every day, I found strength in the song “Lord, I Need You.” But despite my best efforts, things didn’t work out, and I had to make the heartbreaking decision to let him go. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I felt like I had failed him—just like so many others had. I believed I didn’t deserve happiness, family, or even the love of those around me.

But God had a different plan.

With the love and support of JUGS, Women’s Bible Study, and my Taekwondo family, I was able to process my grief. Now, whenever I hear that song, the pain is lighter, and I’m able to remember the good moments we shared.

In my work, we talk about servant leadership—how to live a life of service to others. I have taught Taekwondo for 20 years, and passing on that knowledge brings me joy.

Every day, I wear a cross my grandma gave me, a constant reminder of faith. One day, a little four-year-old student pointed at it and said, “I know Him, too!” It was such a beautiful, unexpected God moment.

Another powerful moment of faith came when I was on my way to say goodbye to my grandma. My flight was an hour too late, and I was devastated. But during the flight, I had the most vivid dream—my grandma, grandpa, and their beloved dog Nikki standing together, assuring me that everything would be all right. I woke up with an overwhelming sense of peace, which carried me through the weekend. I tried to share this comfort with my sister, but at the time, she couldn’t see it.

Now, everything has come full circle.

My sister has found a church home, had her children baptized, and even named me as their godmother—a blessing beyond words. Her church is involved in mission work, and when they spoke about serving in Guatemala, it was my nephew who convinced us to go. Though he’s still too young to join, he’s already saving his allowance so he can be part of the next one in two years. His enthusiasm reminds me that faith is meant to be shared and lived out.

I often think about where I would be if I hadn’t found PWC. This church, this family, has been a foundation of strength, love, and encouragement in my life. I am beyond grateful that I walked in with my Taekwondo family—and never left.

Thank you for helping me live my best life.


  1. Bob McMullen March 17, 2025 at 6:45 am - Reply

    What a great reflection! I truly believe that there are so many stories like this one that gives credit to the power of the Lord, PWC, and our faith community.

  2. Cyndie Taylor March 17, 2025 at 9:06 am - Reply

    Such an encouragiing message, Ashley! Thank you!

  3. Mary Jo West March 17, 2025 at 4:48 pm - Reply

    Such a beautigul reflection…so heartfelt…INSPIRING. Thank you, Ashley.🩵🩵

  4. Anonymous March 18, 2025 at 8:32 am - Reply


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