About DSerey

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So far DSerey has created 227 blog entries.

Fr. Dale Fushek’s Reflection

Summers Have Changed When I was a kid, growing up in Phoenix, I loved summers. Although it was hot, the weather never

Fr. Dale Fushek’s Reflection2024-06-24T10:51:47-07:00

Kerry Pardue’s Reflection

God, how do I find your will for my life? How come I still listen to the wrong voice and make stupid

Kerry Pardue’s Reflection2024-06-13T10:13:58-07:00

Deacon Fred Pratt’s Reflection

Fatherhood Fatherhood.  Fathers have changed over the generations. With each new generation fathers have learned to be more present and more

Deacon Fred Pratt’s Reflection2024-06-06T13:22:16-07:00

Pastor Mark Dippre’s Reflection

I am giving you a new commandment:  Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love

Pastor Mark Dippre’s Reflection2024-06-02T13:09:58-07:00

Jody Serey’s Reflection

Go, Team! (A True Story) In the days that high school homecoming floats depended on chicken wire, paper napkins and crepe

Jody Serey’s Reflection2024-05-22T14:19:19-07:00

Deb Smith’s Reflection

This year started with a first for me.  I had my first surgery ever. For years I nursed along a fully

Deb Smith’s Reflection2024-05-15T21:40:19-07:00

Rosemary Sambora’s Reflection

There but for the grace of God go I. We’ve heard this saying countless times. What is God’s grace? In a theological

Rosemary Sambora’s Reflection2024-05-14T19:06:02-07:00

Priscilla Bertoglio’s Reflection

Motherhood Motherhood.  Youth and beauty fade, friendships may fall by the wayside, but a mother’s love is unconditional and outlives them

Priscilla Bertoglio’s Reflection2024-05-02T22:26:02-07:00

Helen Dippre’s Reflection

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself less.” ― C. S. Lewis When I was a young

Helen Dippre’s Reflection2024-04-28T18:57:33-07:00

Jody Serey’s Reflection

Old Age Isn’t for Sissies My mother had a magnet on her refrigerator that somebody had given her when she turned

Jody Serey’s Reflection2024-04-17T21:52:06-07:00
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