To Act Justly, Love Mercy, & Walk Humbly with our God
As we have opened our doors at Recovery Café Arizona and began our ministry, I have had many people ask me, “How many members do we have?”. To some I have replied, “Remember the Shepherd left the ninety-nine and went after the one who was lost.” But it is not about the numbers. We miss so much if we measure our success by the number of people who come to Recovery Café. God is already at work if we will open our eyes to see it. “If we do this right, we will grow” is the wrong attitude. It is God doing the good work, the miraculous, not us. We serve where, how, and whom God brings to us. Jesus had twelve friends who followed him. He changed the world by discipling a few people. Jesus is our example.
So if not by numbers how do we measure our ministry’s success? We need only look to the Bible. Galatians 5:22-23; are we full of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and gentleness? Are we actively seeking, living in, and feeling God’s presence? Are we growing in compassion? Are we seeing God in the good and offering praise to Him for it?
Yes, it is easier to count numbers than live out our faith, but God does not ask us for numbers. “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 NIV
Every individual wants to be seen, known, and loved. This applies to our volunteers as well as our members. As I have gotten to know our volunteers, watched them get to know each other, and the way they have interacted with our members, I see God at work. There is no way to measure that, it is priceless!
Recovery Café is a place to build community. We need your contribution and gifts to thrive. It is a place where mentoring happens, and people do life together. Sound familiar? This is what we have found at the Praise and Worship Center and what we extend to Recovery Café.
Let us not allow numbers to distract us. Let us focus on our call to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Our focus is on loving those God brings to us by imitating Jesus.
Recovery Café Arizona Mission Statement:
We are a community of friendship and healing for people desiring recovery.
Recovery Café Arizona Guiding Principles:
* Connect with divine Love in ourselves and others.
* Show Respect
* Cultivate Compassion
* Practice Forgiveness
* Encourage Growth
* Give Back