This year started with a first for me. I had my first surgery ever.
For years I nursed along a fully arthritic knee and on January 11 I had a total knee replacement. I had prayed for a long time I would know when the time was right and that God would give me total peace.
I was pleased the morning of the surgery that I didn’t run the other way. I was packed and ready to go. Paul was so supportive and full of strength. I was full of peace as we headed off to the hospital. I began to wonder if I would feel safe when they rolled me away, down the hall, to surgery. Sure enough the Holy Spirit covered me from head to toe. Two hours later they were waking me up.
The rest of this day and much of the next day is a bit blurry thanks to anesthesia. I do remember that they let me go at some point without ever having me walk. I remember Paul bringing me home. I have no memory of how I got in the house and how I got on the stair-lift and into bed. What will be in my forever memory is the pain I was in when my spinal block wore off and Paul and Sergei tried to help me to the bathroom. We managed once in the evening, but by morning…no help could help me move. In all the pain turmoil, I heard the Spirit tell me to call 911 to take me back to the hospital. It happened as that same info came to Paul.
Through this pain I knew I was in the Lord’s hands. The paramedics were wonderful and very supportive. The ER staff were very surprised that the surgeon let me go straight home. The ER doctor had me admitted. It was a holiday weekend, so it took four days to get me settled at an amazing acute rehab where I stayed for three weeks.
The pain I experienced at rehab was controlled and never got in my way of making progress or connecting with the Lord. My transition from daily therapy to three-days a week went well. The PT clinic folks are the best. However, my pain with taking myself of pain medication has gone on for months. No one seems to understand why I have the pain or quite what to do about it. My orthopedist currently believes there is some nerve issues and gave me a new medication to try.
I share this because with the ongoing pain, I let the pain come between me and the Lord. I think the constant nagging pain plugged my spirit. I realized that even though I’ve been praying, I haven’t been able to give that to God in all things. Then out of nowhere I heard a Chris Tomlin song that light the fire within my spirit. I was suddenly aware of the pain not only blocking me from physical tasks, but also keeping me from my good connection with God. Wow, it was such an awakening.
I want to share this with you as it really snuck up on me and I realized I hadn’t taken note of my connection to the Lord. So take time now and think about where you are with your connection to the Father and respond as needed to get closer to him. Blessings from me to you.
Holy Forever