
Perspective: a particular attitude toward, or way of regarding something; a point of view.

I feel like I have a wide range of perspective on many areas of life, such as people that I follow on social media, political parties, cultural traditions, Christians, unbelievers, people who are like me, those who are not like me, even very different from me.  Why? I feel this is important. I want to gain perspective. All of us were created in the image of God and that is where our value comes from. Everyone has value, we don’t all think the same, we live differently our influences are different, I realize that if I live in my own small world or bubble, I will miss information and experiences that could help me better understand this life of ours, this world in which we live in.

It is so easy to get stuck in my own perspective. I see things one way, through my one-way lens, and then I find it hard to see it any other way!!! This is when I must go to Jesus and ask for a new lens, the perspective to see what I am not seeing, to see the bigger picture. To soar like the eagle that has an entirely different view. Because this Big, Big, Jesus of mine wants me to trust Him.

Sometimes when I have a difficult situation or must make an important decision, and I need perspective on the matter, what I am called to do that really helps me gain confidence is to pray about it. Take the problem to Jesus and meditate alone, as well as talk to my husband and pray with him and discuss the pros and cons. Many times, I can’t sleep at night tossing and turning, asking Jesus to give me peace and to share with me another view from my brother or sisters’ perspective, to walk in their shoes, to understand the other point of view to be open and respectful, thoughtful, and kind, and most of all to be loving.

My older self realizes that Jesus answers all prayers. He always has and always will.

My prayer: Change my perspective and have me be open to the Holy Spirit. Jesus, give me Your perspective on my situation and give me wisdom to go through all the ups and downs that my life throws at me.

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